Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Day That I Dye Has Come!

It used to be that I dyed my hair to look cool - which I did lots of times when I lived in HK!  However, now that I'm in the wrong side of the age spectrum, my sister, finally dropped the bomb at me last night at dinner, when she said, "Oh my God, you have to dye your hair, you look old!"  Well, I have to take her word for it since we don't see each other often.  Unlike Vic or Mama, who I see almost everyday, and may have not noticed the white hair sprouting all over the place, my sister, Mimi, who I only see once a month at most, may have reason to say that out loud.

So now, I asked Mama about it and she said I should buy brown dye and put it on my hair, and maybe ask one of the maids to assist me.  Terrible!  Oh well, I am vain in some ways and I think, making the hair return to black should at least shave a year or two off my real age!
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