Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Movie Review: I Was Coughing While Watching Contagion

I was nursing this cough for a few days now and while I was watching the movie, Contagion, I had to cough at several points in the movie.  Really, it was the worst place to be coughing like that since the movie presented what could possibly happen to the world when someone coughs like the way I did during the movie!

Anyhow, you got to credit Steven Soderbergh for being able to get such A-list actors to play characters who will just die after twenty minutes into the movie!  Goes to show how much he's loved by the actors in Hollywood - at least those in that A-list.

Well, I like how the movie is presented but there's nothing much really that makes you feel a sense of dread, considering how dreadful the effects of that virus was on the human body.  I was expecting more dramatic decisions to be done but suddenly the movie screeches to a halt when the vaccine was discovered.  I did want the movie to end on a more positive note but since this is just a 'fantasy' movie, I wanted it to digress a bit from what has already happened in real life (the Spanish flu in the early 20th century, SARS in 2003) and be more bold in presenting the storyline.  But like any Hollywood film, everything ties in very neatly in the end.

Watch this if you feel like watching an almost-medical thriller although Coma was more scary.  Otherwise, it's about people getting sick, and who wants that on their weekend.
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