Sunday, September 2, 2012

When It's Your Family Who's Putting You Down

I just watched Million Dollar Baby and one of the scenes that really got to me was that family scene where Hilary Swank's mother was the one who was putting her own daugther's dreams down.  I know the family is very important in someone's personal growth, but when it's the family itself who is your number one enemy, then that could really be tough.

However, just like Hilary's character in the movie, she remained magnanimous with them, but stopped only when she realized they were just after her money. 

It may not be easy when it's your Mom who's saying, you can't possibly do that.  You won't be successful in that. I should know.  My own mother said that to me too.  But it's not her fault. She lived in another generation where working for a multinational company was the way to go to be successful.  It's a valid dream but it was not mine.  It just did not fit into my dream life.  So I said no to her and to the companies who offered me a job.

In the end, parents do come around and realize why you say no to a good thing.  I guess they just want you to be happy early in life.  The offer to work for that multinational company was a good thing, and any other person would've loved that, but for someone like me who has had a grandmother and aunties as entrepreneur-models, I knew even in my early 20s that I can go at this alone, and not need a company to define who I am and my own personal success.  In the end, we all had the last laugh!
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