Sunday, March 4, 2012

When Following the Rules Can Save Your Life

There are days when I mock the so-called rules in life, and yeah, that includes "The Ten Commandments" but I do realize that following these rules actually make my life more simple and by following them, I won't have to deal with many more problems which arise because I did something stupid and broke a rule.  As I already know by now, there are consequences to breaking the "rules" and many times, getting out of these sticky situation is never an easy thing, because sometimes, doing something bad may lead to doing even more bad things - and the cycle might never stop!

I am writing about this because one of my favorite priest columnists, Fr. San Luis talked about how Whitney Houston could have turned her life around if she just followed the simple rules in life - rather than seeking a way out through drugs and alcohol.  Sometimes the price we pay for going wayward is just too steep - and Whitney's sudden death allows each one of us left behind to examine our own lives and take those "bad habits" out - now na and not wait till it's too late!
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