Saturday, December 31, 2011

Revisiting My New Year's Resolutions of 2009

 Like most people, I love making resolutions.  It keeps me at my toes and allows me to constantly reinvent my life.  Anyhow, here were my resolutions in 2009!  And frankly, I've done all of them already! That's primarily the reason why I had made so many new friends these past three years - I just got out of my shell and really built relationships with many people!! Hurrah!! Now, I'm making a list of my resolutions for 2012 - coming up!

(Article starts below)

I am one of those people who make a list every year. It is a good habit actually because I write it in a Batman notebook my brother gave me in 2001. Since then, I have been writing it there every year, along with my goals of the year, and it has been a lot of fun reading it throughout these 7 years. This year is no different. One thing new though, is that I am blogging about it too. Works this way as it keeps a record of my thoughts of what to change in me every year, till the year I stop writing.

Think positively. Talk positively. Don’t project negativity. This resolution came to the fore after a friend of mine and I had coffee last night. During the course of our conversation, he suddenly said to me, “Ang nega mo naman.” Nega for negative. It really caught me offguard. I always thought I was the most optimistic person that I can be, but I realized, after reviewing our conversation last night, that there were three instances in the conversation where I said cynical and negative things. I won’t mention them here anymore as they are of a personal matter, but it did project a sense of negativity and cynicism, which sometimes envelopes my way of thinking. Even my best friend scolds me for it. Sometimes, I just can’t help it. So this year, I will channel my thoughts and words into more positively so that I project it in my conversations with people and in my work, most importantly.

Not to play the victim anymore. Be more assertive. Sometimes, because I have this inherent habit of not being assertive enough to say no, some people treat me like a doormat. Do this, do that, I want this, I want that. And I do all their requests, unmindful if it’s too dyahe na for me. Interestingly, Christmas year, I decided to just be more assertive and say no to things that I am not interested in doing and I wasn’t worried if the other person will like me more or not. I couldn’t care less. I was really overworked and tired, physically and mentally, and I think, just choosing the projects I know I can deliver properly, made more sense to me. It’s not a popularity contest anyway, and I realized also that some people will always treat me as a doormat because I allow them too. So after saying no, to several different instances, I felt more in control of my life and not get too worried whether I hurt their feelings or not.

Adopt new technology with an open mind. It is really urgent this year, as I have evaded using camera phones for so long, but now that I am designing clothes and seeing people wearing my clothes, and wanting souvenir photos of them, the camera phone becomes the easiest way to document those. I have a very poor history of adopting new technology, which is quite ironic because 95% of my income actually happens online. So this year, I will open my mind to all new technology available and not be such a technophobe. I should have the curious heart and eye of a teenager, ever on the lookout for the gadget. Anyway, in my case, I always look at the ROI of all the things I buy right now. It can be monetary ROI or emotional ROI.

Consciously buy Philippine-made goods. It’s a habit I have started this year, and which I hope to expand more this year to more goods and services. Frankly, it’s tough to shake the colonial make-up of my mind, but I am doing it one step at a time, to be more appreciative of our own products and really support them by buying them.

I will be reviewing this list again by Holy Week so let’s see how I do. I haven’t listed anymore those things which have become integrated into my daily habits so I’m happy that this checklist forces me to make these resolutions become real daily habits.

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