Sunday, July 17, 2011

Fat Burners Work but Watch out for the Side Effects

Ok, ok, so I had to resort to using fat burners since my schedule now has significantly slashed my gym time by more than half.  I still go to the gym regularly but not as frequent as before and with lesser intensity since I am really just tired already at the end of the day!  Anyhow, this fat burner I bought was the same one I used a few years back, and I remember that it worked fine then since I never crossed over to the 190's!!  I was just steady between 185-188 lbs. 

So when I tipped at 212 lbs a few days back, I decided to reuse this and I'm happy to say that in the 3 weeks that I've been using it, I slipped down to 206 lbs as of my last weigh in!  I warn you though of the side effects.  First, is the incessant flatulence. It's really comedic in a way so I suggest you take it before you sleep and have all that flatulence come out in the privacy of your bedroom.  If you're single, that is.

Second is the incessant visits to the bathroom.  It's like you have diarrhea!  So I suggest you drink more water than normal so you won't get dehydrated then be sure to have access to a clean toilet.  My frequency is one dump every three hours on a bad day and once every six hours on a 'quiet' day.  So be ready for this inconvenience!

Third, I did get sick about a week into taking this.  I'm not sure though if this was the cause but there was no other thing I did to my body previously so this was the culprit.  I think since this thing gets rid of so much water in the body, I got dehydrated and became weak, so much so that one week after taking it, I got the flu and got sick.  My body is back to normal now and I feel much stronger than last week, so I guess the body has finally adjusted to my taking of this fat burner.

Yes, it works!  I notice that my appetite has been suppressed a bit also.  I know that it worked because of the weighs in and my belt also moved a slot tighter.  Well, I just hope I reach my goal of 200 lbs quickly so I can now take it off my regular regimen.  I am now doing more intensity in my exercises now so they work in tandem!
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