Friday, December 24, 2010

Ten Things I Am Thankful For in 2010

Well, the year is about to end, and it's also Christmas day, so I'm thinking of ten things I am thankful for this year -

1.  Our quick thinking and decisive decision-making - 2010, business-wise was a disastrous year for us, but I think we were able to save ourselves by quick thinking and decisive decision-making.  It's not a very easy thing to do, but you'd have to do it when the situation arises.

2.  Our incredible resiliency - thank God for this!  I really thank God for making me fail in college.  So now, when I fail later in life, I just take it in stride and not be too hard on myself.  The truth is, like actors, some of our 'movies' will flop, but some will also do exceptionally well!  We should just learn to have the actors' attitude - and take the good things and the bad results - all in stride.

3.  Laura and Dylan's Sense of Wonder and Joy - Everyone should at least experience, having kids in their house.  They make you humble, and they make you see the world in a different way.  Their sense of wonder and joy is so infectious!

4.  All these beautiful friends - What to do without these people!  They just make my life more interesting and makes everything bearable!

5.  Beautiful music and interesting movies -  Like any other ordinary person, it's music and the movies that I run to when I want to find comfort or be entertained.  We're just so lucky we live in this age where there is so much content out there for the picking!  Enjoy!

6.  Critics - What would life be without them?  I think each of us become stronger because of them.  Some of the criticism may be too personal, but we should just take them in stride and focus on the more objective criticism.  Those whose work suck, don't get criticized!  That's how I see things.

7.  My Cooperative Knee - Well, it has let me down from time to time but I am still thankful it's still holding up, despite all the wear and tear I give to it.  I am more cautious now yet I listen to it closely since I don't want it to suffer like what happened two weeks ago.  Don't want to be walking around with a limp!

8.  The Internet - thanks to this human invention, this year, it gave me an audience - and a platform to spread my ideas to anyone who would care to listen.  And what's more - I earn from it!  Loveett!!

9.  Facebook - I became an FB member in 2007 yet it was only these past 2 years that I took it seriously.  I've had five lives so FB has been instrumental in connecting all those past five lives together by bringing in one platform - all (well, at least some) of my friends from all these past lives.

10.  Gorgeous men - my day would be as dry as a desert if there were no gorgeous men.  Thank God for all your handsome creations!  It does bring a smile to my face if I see a handsome guy who is not so self-conscious about his looks. 

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