Friday, December 24, 2010

Cost-Cutting Tips - How I was Able to Live with A Thousand Pesos a Week

Since I now appropriate almost 80% of my weekly allowance towards credit card payments, I try to budget a thousand pesos (US$23) for 7 days.  Of course, all my other bills are being taken cared of, that money is just for my personal expenses.  Is it possibe to live within that amount in a week, considering my previous lifestyle?  Well, the answer has been a resounding yes, and for a 3rd straight week, I have been trying to rid myself of all my desires and keep my life simple.  This is how I did it:

1.  Prioritize gas.  Since I go out everyday, my biggest weekly expense is gas.  My weekly budget is normally 1100 pesos (US$25), so I plan my car trips carefully and make sure I don't stray too far from my home so I can save on gas.

2.  Culling unnecessary texts.  I limit by 'load' per week to just about 300 pesos (US$7).  I limit these texts only to my Myx votes and a few texts to friends.

3.  Eating at home. I used to eat outside almost every day.  By eating at home, I have saved a big portion of my allowance, which now go to paying my credit cards.

4.  Read newspapers and magazines online.  I used to spend 10,000 pesos (US$227.8) per month on magazines and foreign newspapers.  That was last year.  This month, I curbed my urge to buy a magazine so my budget has been reduced to nil these past two months.  Instead, I do my reading through the internet.  All newspapers and magazines have websites anyway.

5.  No buying of sweets.  This actually works because Vic does all the buying for me.  From M&Ms to popcorn to Filipino delicacies - I munch them all - but I still wait for Vic to buy it!

6.  Appreciating cable TV more - I have stopped watching movies in the moviehouse and instead, I check the TV schedule in HBO or Star Movies.  Just tonight, I saw 'Gossip' and 'Mirrors' at HBO and Star Movies.  I only fully appreciate cable TV now, now that I'm in a state of budget!

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