Saturday, November 6, 2010

Trying My Darn Best To Eat Fruits Instead of Donuts and Milk Chocolates!

My fridge is a study in contrast.  On one side is a box of Red Ribbon chocolate cake and two boxes of one dozen Krispy Kreme donuts.  On the other side are pieces of oranges and apples and grapes and guavas.  And every night, as I blog, it's always a battle to choose what to munch while I type away in my computer! 

The good thing though, is that I make the fruits available now, so I can always have a choice of eating the right thing, instead of just giving in to my sweet tooth all the time.  For two nights last week, I just munched on a huge guava each night.  And in my daily breakfasts, I have asked the cook to prepare calamansi juice for me!  It's the best way for me to fight my colds! 

Last night, I ate these tiny oranges, which I bought in Quiapo, and they were so delicious!!  And my brother always has his daily dose of lanzones, which I get a few pieces from every night.  At least now, I am enjoying the fruits and just indulge on my sweet tooth urges when I'm really too weak to resist them!

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