Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Movie Review: The Autopsy of Jane Doe kept me at the edge of my seat!

La imagen puede contener: una persona, primer plano

There's a good horror movie showing this week in local theaters called 'The Autopsy" but I'm afraid it will be pulled out immediately because nobody knows about it.
In fact, I had a 'private screening' of it in an SM theatre tonight, I was the only one watching - which made the experience even creepier.
I heard about the movie during the 2016 Toronto Film Festival which is one of the best barometers to measure whether a movie - horror or not - is worth watching. The TIFF has now become the Oscar barometer for nominations, and this movie had a solid screening there.
The whole set-up of the movie will already give you the creeps. The two main characters, a father and the son, both coroners - and played solidly by Brian Cox and Emile Hirsch (who is as cute as ever here!) come face to face with a beautiful corpse whose state of her innards do not match the flawlessness of her outward state.
In a way, it is a claustrophobic movie, as everything happens in the family morgue, and aside from the beautiful Jane Doe, there are three other corpses with them, which makes things even more creepy.
I've had to cover my eyes several times because the autopsy procedure is so graphic and I cannot bear to see so much blood and guts spilled around, even if I know in the back of my mind, they are just prosthetics.
The first hour is set up so fabulously but unfortunately, the climax was not like Get Out's which was a slam bang affair!
Recommended for watching with a date who also loves horror flicks.There are many scenes which may need some 'cuddle' moments.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Lewis Tan: This Hunk is Driving Me Loco!

I don't really know much about Lewis Tan except that they say he's in Deadpool.  Ok, not quite the movie I enjoy watching.

Anyhow, this guy is a hunk! - in the truest sense of the word!  I couldn't get my mind out of him. It's Lewis Tan's face and body wherever I go now!

Whew!  Well, these attractions usually die down but man, Lewis, you're driving me nuts with how sexy you are!