Friday, August 19, 2016

Book Review: Alice Sebold's The Almost Moon

Alice Sebold is better known as the author of The Lovely Bones, and like any other person, when I saw the movie version, I did not read the book na.
Her book The Almost Moon treads on even more delicate territory than The Lovely Bones. It's not really the book you want to read for relaxation since the subject matter involves a daughter killing her own mother, who is mentally ill, and sleeping with the son of her best friend.
That's basically the foundation of the story and the rest is the character's psychological explanation on why she did those things.
It's a tedious read and I've wanted to stop reading it. But since I'm the type of person who finishes what he starts, I eventually ended up reading everything but still, with not much satisfaction or joy.
For Filipinos and many Asian cultures, caring for our elderly parents is a very sacred duty, so to see Western cultures just treat it with flippancy, is something we really can't relate to.

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