Friday, February 12, 2016

Book Review: The Full Cupboard of Life

It's been a long time since I've read the works of just one author over an extended period of time.

When I was growing up, Papa and Mama introduced me to Agatha Christie so throughout grade school, her books were the ones I was reading.

As an adult, there were some authors I like whose novels I'd buy agad when I see them - light stuff from authors like Maeve Binchy and Anne Tyler - among others.

Lately, when Book Sale sold most of the collection of British writer Alexander McCall Smith, ayun, inubos ko na lahat, although I'm not sure if I have all his books in my collection.

Most of his books are centred on this female detective character he created called Precious Ramotswe who is from Gaborone, the capital of Botswana.

The Full Cupboard of Life is the seventh book of his that I've read and the nth one about the adventures of Precious.

It's actually very light reading. I am more interested about how Smith describes the unique culture of Africa and their concepts of community and family. It's also in this book where Precious finally marries Rra J.L.B. Matekoni.

Hillary Clinton had a book called "It Takes A Village" and that title is taken from a concept in Africa that it would take a village to raise a child. It is one of the many beautiful concepts that are truly African in nature - and Smith integrates that into the stories and adventures of Precious.

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