Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Dead Wakes Up in The Lazarus Effect

When the Bible story about Lazarus was told to us when we were kids, we never got to ask our Christian Living teacher what happened to Lazarus after he came back from the dead.  Did he live a normal life again like nothing happened?  Nobody ever asked if he saw visions of light or the gates of heaven or no medical doctor examined him to check the effect of loss of oxygen to the brain.  Just like most stories in the Bible, we just had to believe.

Anyhow, if we did get to ask those questions, we might get a horror movie like The Lazarus Effect.  The title alone is already a giveaway as to what happens in the movie - and effectively - that is the most interesting part of it - the first 45 minutes keep you alert - and interested on what's going on.  

After that, the scriptwriter and director get lazy and the movie descends into the usual horror movie schlock.  A pity really since the audience I was with in Greenbelt 3 were obviously on the edge of their seats in the first half of the movie, with the director scoring a lot of cheap shrieks from the female audience through effective editing and scene set-up.  Sometimes I don't get it when horror movie writers set up the premise so well and just opt for the easy way out to finish the story.

Anyway, The Lazarus Effect is a good excuse for you guys to have your wives or girlfriends hold on to you, that is, if they can stand a medical science horror movie.  Just make sure you're not a shrieker yourself!

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