Friday, February 21, 2014

Movie Review: The Book Thief - Beautifully Photographed, Half as Compelling

My love for World War II literature and film is due mainly to Papa's interest in the subject matter. He has so many fiction books about World War II, it was not surprising that I could actually narrate what happened in World War II Europe - in chronological order, when I was only in Grade 3. I was such a geek sometimes I scare myself with the useless information that I know.

The film version of The Book Thief (which is currently showing now) still shows the horrors of WWII but it doesnt have the dread which one really felt in Steven Spielberg's masterpiece, 1993's Schindler's List. I guess every single WWII movie made after that classic will always be compared to it. The only interesting thing about this movie, at least to me, is that it shows the lives of the Germans at that time, so the focus is finally on them, and not the Jews.

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