Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Life of David Gale: Gripping But Why I'm Still for the Death Penalty

I was channel surfing today and I chanced upon this movie on HBO entitled 'The Life of David Gale'.  I guess it was the presence of Kevin Spacey and Laura Linney that got me curious.  Kate Winslet appears later in the movie.  The movie presents a strong case against the death penalty and I urge you watch the movie to find out if the sacrifices of the characters in the movie are worth it.

However strong the argument of the movie is, I still believe that there should be death penalty.  However, it should be used very cautiously and only when there is REASONABLE DOUBT that the person is indeed guilty.  If there is just one iota of doubt, then the life sentence will suffice.  That way, if reparations have to be done, the poor accused is still alive.
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