Thursday, May 9, 2013

Movie Reviews: 'There Be Dragons' Makes You Examine Your Own Faith

A movie about a saint may not be something you'd want to watch over the weekend but interestingly, the movie 'There Be Dragons', is not your run-of-the-mill boring movie about a pious saint, but it's a journey over several decades of a man who had to battle a lot of adversity to bring God's word to a lot of people.  Well, yeah, the movement that man, St. Josemaria Escriva, founded, the Opus Dei , is a bit controversial, well, not only a bit, but very controversial, but still, you can see that his intentions were true and that anyone who spreads the word of love in times of strife and murder should be lauded.

I actually love how the story was told and I think the scenes where they showed the strife happening in Spain at that time was very interesting and integral to the story.  There are many preachy lines in the movie and I was undoubtedly moved by them.  Themes of forgiveness, love for the enemy, and to find God during the darkest of times is something we can always relate to since our lives have this cycle of happiness and sadness.  I'm sure after watching this movie, you'd try to find your own salvation and reassess your own faith - especially if for us, our faith has not been tested as the characters in this movie has been.

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