Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Laz Alonso: One Fine Brotha

It was perfect casting to have both Laz Alonso and Paula Patton in Jumping the BroomSince Paula is a va va voom girl, her love interest should be equally broad shouldered and massive and with a swagger - but not too much.  That's exactly what Laz brings to the plate in the movie and he has several nice shirtless scenes (nibble on the chocolate ladies!)!  Too bad it's not that easy for African-American actors to get ahead in Hollywood but a lot of them like Laz are really hot!
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1 comment:

  1. I felt Laz was the weakest link and brought absolutely nothing but mediocrity to the film. His voice is irritating, his smile is scary, and his kissing scenes with Paula made me want to throw up. He has no charisma or screen presence. Plus, he had zero chemistry with Paula. They were nauseating together. He has the emotional vulnerability of a brick wall. I disagree wholeheartedly from this choice. Laz is not reading to be a leading man. He is meant to be a bit player who has no interactions with the opposite sex since he cannot generate any chemistry with them. Check out Deception. He was abysmal in that as well. And once again, he had no chemistry with Meagan Good either.
