Thursday, May 9, 2013

Discovering Lucho Ayala in Indio

I have been trying to consciously watch local TV these past few weeks but none of the local teleseryes really matches my personal tastes so none of them have really reached my weekly top 10 favorite shows.

Today, I chanced upon watching Indio (the TV set in the dining room is set to GMA 7), so while I was having dinner I was watching it and yeah, it's not really to my liking.  Except that Lucho Ayala, who plays a despicable Spanish something here is really hot!!  He wears this ridiculous moustache and he had a shirtless scene today because his character rapes a native women but they just show his back, tsk tsk.....

I like Lucho though!  I heard though that his character won't last since he's supposed to get older.  That's fine.  I'll just enjoy him now!
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