Sunday, January 20, 2013

My Epiphany and Holden Caulfield

I think I just found the voice that I needed if I did want to write a novel - and it came from a book that was just lying in one of our book cabinets, dusty and waiting to be read - J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye.  I won't divulge much of the story here since it's such a short book, something you can actually read in a day - nonstop - and the main character, Holden Caulfield is such a 'character' you'd find it hard to put the book down!

Anyway, one thing I loved about the book was its voice and its point of view.  I have been searching all my life for a technique that I could use when writing - and I finally found it!  I'm an "I", "I", "I" person so this book really fits my writing perfectly!

And Holden's character sounds so real and you can actually feel him and imagine him and touch him and see him - and know who he is - and his emotions are just there - as he opens up himself to the reader - just the perfect character one can write about. 

Whew!  All my life I've been wanting to write a novel and finally, I think I found a technique that can suit what I want to tell a story about.  The style fits me perfectly since my mind goes off tangent many many times, so I guess, with Holden Caulfield as my muse and J.D. Salinger as my "mentor" - it's about time I start writing my first novel!
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