Saturday, December 29, 2012

Lovin' Life Through Hip Hop

I can say I am really lucky to have a BFF in Mabel who also loves to dance Hip Hop.  It's not exactly an activity someone in their 40s would do but it has been something we have been doing for almost ten years now, thanks to the talented instructors we have met in Fitness First ABS.  

One of them is Genesis and today, we danced to his unique hip hop choreo once again, albeit, even if just for an hour and a half.  I had to adjust though to Gen's 'different' style of 'counting', which is not counting, just going with the beat of the music - a style which is not used by most of the instructors I know.  Syncopated steps can turn off many gym goers but for hip hop addicts like us - it was pure heaven!

Anyway, it was great to see many familiar faces there including several of our Northberkz friends who came to have a Jammin' good time as well.  It was a good thing though that I did not do Body Jam anymore since my body is not strong enough to do all of those exercises for more than three hours!
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