Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Incredible Courage of Malala Yousufzai

When Malala was shot a few weeks ago, I wasn't able to immediately post a blog article about it although I did express my disgust and shock through Facebook.  However, tonight, I read an even sickening article insinuating that Malala was shot by the US as a publicity stunt against the Taliban!  OMG, sometimes we think of the devil as some farfetched supernatural being but the actions of groups like the Taliban resemble exactly what evil is - shooting hapless teenage girls who just want to avail of the basic human right - education - to be able to read, write, count and express oneself and achieve one's dreams and potential!  

The funny thing is Playboy or pornography don't hold a candle to the viciousness of the Taliban's hatred for women.  For the Taliban, women are just, well, sexual vessels - just for sex.  Don't educate them, keep them dumb and stupid and make them the man's slaves in their harem - under their beck and call.  That's exactly what's going to happen if they don't educate their women!

I stand up with the rest of the civilized world supporting Malala and her incredible courage.  I don't know how she's holding up now but her courage is unfathomable.  September 11 was sickening enough, this incident comes very close.
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