Monday, October 22, 2012

Countries I've Traveled to: A Short List

I was reading this interesting interview with Erwan Heusaff today and he mentioned that he and his sister are both racing to reach the most countries they've visited.  Solenn is at 45 while Erwan is at 42.  

Unfortunately, I don't have that mindset and I would rather visit familiar places rather than seeing a new country.

That should change next year.  Starting next year, I vow to visit at most three new countries every year - Erwan style!

Well, anyway, let me see, these are the countries I have already been to and should not be traveled to unless very necessary - like watching a concert or a tennis tournament - but of course!

#1 China
#2 Thailand
#3 Singapore
#4 Malaysia
#5 Norway
#6 Sweden
#7 Denmark
#8 France
#9 UK
#10 Japan
#11 Bahrain

OMG, I have been to some of these countries more than twenty times yet I've only been to 11 countries in the world.  What a sorry list.

Ok now that I am aware of this shortcoming, I have decided to add more countries to this list by next year.

Tops of course is the US, where I'll have a reunion next year.  Then I'd love to traipse around Central America, maybe add Costa Rica to the list.

Within Asia, Indonesia, Brunei and Vietnam are the most obvious and easy choices!

So that's 5 already for 2013!  Ok na yun, tapos add another batch for the year after that, and so on and so forth!
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