Sunday, September 2, 2012

Learning from Helen Gurley Brown

I read an interesting article about Helen Gurley Brown, Cosmopolitan's editor for more than 30 years.  The writer who has worked with her, recounted her favorite Helenisms and I have recounted some of them here and how they have impacted on me -

#1  The past is no excuse - use it as a fuel 

This is something I learned early on.  To just build on what you have and work from there.  The cards dealt to each one of us is different so we might as well play with what we have and gain the most advantage from it.

#2   Determine what it is you can do better than others, then pursue it until you succeed.

This one I only learned later on in life. Frankly, if I only knew about this when I was 16 years old, my life would've been a tad different.  But no regrets,  the routes we take to get where we are might take longer than what we really wanted but at least we reached the goals we set for ourselves.

#3 Work harder than everyone else.

I learned this from college and it's been the way to go ever since.

#4 Believe in and harness the power of the makeover.

Well, I am lazy when it comes to how I look but this should be a mantra I will apply in the next few days.  Nothing bad about looking good!

#5 Enjoy, no - revel in your singlehood.

No problem here!!

#6  If you marry, marry the right person, but don't make him your golden ticket.

Well, Mama told us early on that you should always marry for love.  Otherwise, your life will be miserable.  

#7 Don't fake it, make it happen.

I love it when she said, do the tough stuff first, the challenging, unpleasant tasks.  By doing so, you're apt to reach your goals.  So true in my case!!

#8 Be nice. Be helpful, and treat everyone the same.  

This works all the time, especially when you manage people.  It's important during the time when you really really need a favor from them.  The emotional deposit banked in earlier on certainly helps.

#9 A healthy sense of fear and insecurity are good for you.

I may not admit it but I guess this one also gets me through my day!

#10 You're only as old as you think you are.

Haha! This one I should remember always now that there are days when I feel grumpy, and yes, old!!

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