Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Lest We Forget the Real Victims of War

As I read the fascinating back story to this iconic photograph of the Vietnam war, I am reminded of the atrocities of Bashar Al-Assad's government against his very own people.  I know that Syria is as far disconnected to most Filipinos, it being in the Middle East - a region that is ALWAYS associated with one war or another.  Although there are millions of Filipino workers in the Middle East, I am not sure of the actual numbers of them working in Syria - since there isn't much news right now about evacuating Filipino workers from that country.

I am just surprised that the world community has been very slow in reacting to the news of Assad's forces massacring his own people so he can stay in power.  I guess stories of cruel dictators replaying what they do best - can sometimes tire people to take action, especially that the situation seems to be domestic in nature.

After hearing news of that massacre in Homs, I just pray that the people of Syria can find a better way out of their dilemma since a civil war will always lead to catastrophic consequences.  The photo above, of children running in fear should remind us all of who the real victims of war are.

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