Sunday, May 13, 2012

SUNOG! The Closest I've Ever Been to One

I've seen fires as far as a few blocks away but this one was probably the closest one I've ever experienced in my whole life! My friends and I just arrived at the Blue Rock Resort Subic after a three-hour drive from Metro Manila. As soon as we got our bags from the car and checked in, my friend Mabel called me out and said there was a commotion in the street in front of our resort!

Turns out, a fire was starting in this house in front of our resort!  To think that the room assigned to us was just about 5 meters from the burning house!  Soon as the fire engulfed the house, we decided to move our bags to the other room where our friends stayed, just for safety.

The fire started with thick dark grey smoke emitting from the kisame. Ten minutes later, orange flames started consuming the house! Initially, we were just maybe 3 meters away from the house but we had to move farther since you could really feel the heat of the flames, and we could hear glass cracking under the heat! I was also afraid of the debris that might fly off from it. Good thing that the seawind blew the opposite way from the resort - otherwise, patay!! Only a few people ran out of the house when it was burning. They said it was somebody's house but good that there were not many people inside it, at that time.
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