Thursday, April 12, 2012

Appreciating the Sacrifices of our OFWs

Now that I'm playing with Laura and Dylan everyday, I am beginning to fully appreciate the sacrifices parents make when they have to leave their children and work abroad as OFWs.  I couldn't even begin to imagine the anguish and the long nights of decision-making that they have to do before they finally decide to make that big decision.  Truth is, it's much easier to work than to take care of children. There's just no competition!  At work, you can always get out of it when you feel too much heat, but with kids, they're with you till the day you die!  And every mistake, every forgotten promise, they will remember most of the time!

I know it's impossible that it would happen in my lifetime, when OFWs finally become a thing of the past.  The world has become quite fluid and people will continue to immigrate and emigrate between countries.  Some countries, like the Philippines, just do it in large numbers.  But, for the sake of the children, I just hope parents won't have to make that supreme sacrifice, if only also, for their sakes and well-being!
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