Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ultra-Orthodox Jews Discriminating Women

What is it with certain sectors of our human race that think women should be treated as second class citizens!  I just read an article today where the chief military rabbi of Israel condemned ultra-Orthodox Jews who discriminated women!  This came as certain "religious soldiers" verbally abused a young female soldier for refusing to sit at the back of a public bus and their attempts to segregate a town's pavements!! Que horror!!   The town is Beit Shemesh - a town who has been witness to clashes between ultra-Orthodox activists and other town residents.

I mean, what do these guys think of their mothers and sisters?  Garbage?  Shit?  If I were these guys' mothers, I would crush them at birth if I only knew they would treat me like shit when they grow up.  Such impertinence should not be tolerated by people anywhere and I'm glad the highest military officers of Israel have stood up for their women soldiers.  Anyone defending one's country should be treated with utmost respect - not by contempt, just because she happens to be a woman!
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