Sunday, August 21, 2011

Movie Reviews: Crazy Stupid Love Is Just Is!

Ok, to begin with, I will watch any movie Marisa Tomei is in. I am such a big fan of hers.  Ditto for Julianne Moore, Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone.  And as far as I can remember, I have actually watched every movie of Steve Carrell.  So it was no brainer that I would be watching this! 

Thank God, this movie is such a breath of fresh air after watching too many action movies with endless explosion scenes.  After a while, it gets boring.

Well, there are some funny scenes and funny lines in the movie.  My favorite was the lines of the best friend of Emma Stone's character where she says, "What you should be studying is the ceiling of his bedroom, what you should be studying is the arch of his dick"!  Mama confessed to me later that there were some parts of the movie that she couldn't get, since we were laughing and she wasn't.  I just told her that nowadays, people are more direct with what they want, especially when they want to have sex.

It's a light movie with several complications here and there which are just as easily resolved.

Ryan Gosling is hot, hot, hot in this one!  And he's definitely not "Photoshopped" here!  Everyone does well in this movie, including Marisa Tomei, who only has a few scenes here.  Steve Carrell

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