Friday, August 12, 2011

Movie Review: 'Revenge of the College Ghost' is Actually Scary!

Ok, I had no expectations watching this horror movie, believing it's just another B-horror movie - which it is really. But one good thing about it is that - it is scary!  What I especially love about it is - SPOILER ALERT - that the people who get murdered are immediately 'erased' from the plot and none of the living remember them ever existing!  Tres cool! 

I didn't notice immediately that plot device, but as the body count increased, and I was wondering why they didn't care about the dead people - except for the lead actress - I realized, ok, that plot device exists - and it leads to a very clever ending! Love it!

Well, when the movie title came out, it was entitled Remember Me? so this movie may come out in these two titles. There's a lot of screaming here since most of the characters are female.  Sit back, bring your popcorn and start screaming!
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