Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Movie Review: Conan the Barbarian - Brutal and Savage

The new version of Conan the Barbarian meets all my expectations of it - it's brutal, savage and there are so many fight scenes to last several other action movies.  I agree with their choice to have Jason Momoa play the title role, made famous by now California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.  Both Rachel Nichols and Rose McGowan were also perfect as the pure monk and the evil sorceress respectively.  Even the veteran Ron Perlman, as Conan's father, was very good in the first part of the movie. 

I love the action scenes and the varied looks and forms of his adversaries!  Those alone are entertaining enough!  I did find some 'weird' inconsistencies - like, when the evil king finally became powerful, he didn't seem to be powerful at all!!  Also, why didn't the sorceress use her powers in the final scene?  Otherwise, this is a perfect popcorn movie!
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1 comment:

  1. thanks for great reviews...I would love to see this movie..let me make a plan. I will certainly watch it..

    Conan the Barbarian
