Monday, June 13, 2011

Surfing Porn at the Office Can Lead to a Promotion

           Researchers from Advanced Institute of Management Studies (AIMS) released a rather controversial new study that purportedly shows that men who surf porn at the office are more likely to get a promotion to a management position to up to 69 percent as compared to men who do not indulge in such activities.
            On a related research, scientists reported another astonishing discovery that as many as 6.9 percent of white collar male employees spend about  two hours or so a day viewing pornography on any given work day, with the peak porn viewing activity usually falls on a Wednesday. "It would be an understatement to say that we were thrilled to uncover these results," so said lead researcher and project coordinator Dr. Thad Chadwatcher.  He further stated that suffice it to say that while this particular activity is something to worry upon in a workplace in the past, it appears that the contrary is now adapted to something as a recourse to climb to the corporate ladder for its career-enhancing value. According to Dr. Chadwatcher, the seemingly surprising results of his research may be less counter-intuitive than originally believed considering that males, who typically have risen up the corporate ladder quicker than others, are likewise usually much more sexually active than their sexually inactive counterpart cubicle co-dwellers.  This, they attributed mainly to increased testosterone levels.
He explained further that with the qualities and leadership skills that these highest porn users have, it is but logical that they are inevitably the most qualified for a job promotion to drive the business forward. Perhaps it might also be a factor why a number of politicians, police and others in leadership and key positions are more often than not caught up in sex scandals, as he said these people also tend to give-in critical thinking skills to their sex organ.  According to him, it is ample time that we acknowledge that sex plays inside the work environment, and start to reward those who head the call of their natural instincts at the office. In so doing, we get the business leadership that we need for the economy’s sustainability, sans all of the politically correct sexual oppression that exists nowadays. On the contrary, it was found that women who view porn in the office are probably militant lesbians and thus, should be kept away from the corporate ladder as possible or so claimed by a related research note.  A clear case of discrimination if I may say so.
Dave’s Daily
Washington D.C. –

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