Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fitness Talk For Guys In their Forties

I bumped into an old friend in the gym today, and our chat eventually bordered on how we've been trying to desperately keep the fat off.  And I just told him simply, that it's impossible, and the best we can do is just work out regularly, watch what we eat, and just let nature take its course.  Being forty is not the same as being in our twenties anymore.  And then he gave a big sigh of relief.  He actually still had the body he had when he was younger.  He just added a little mass here and there, usually brought about by aging, but to me, he still looked great.  Not 20's great, but 40's great! 

He said though that there was no use competing with all the other beautiful younger guys in the gym with their easy to sculpt bodies.  Oh yeah, I told him.  We had our time, this is their time, I said with a smile!  And anyway, I told him, being forty has not actually decreased the attraction from 20 year old guys.   It has even doubled, which is weird, I told him.  When I was in my 30's, even late 30's, I didn't get that much attention from them.  But now, I can easily get a date if I wanted to be bad.  Must be my money, I joked!

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