Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Why You Have to Stand Up to Bullies Even When They May Hurt You

Movies which feature kids being bullied is not uncommon in Hollywood.  I watched Susanne Bier’s In A Better World today, and one of the kids there, Elias, was being bullied, on a daily basis, yet he never fights back.  One day, a new kid in school, Christian, sees him being treated that way, decides to take on the bully in a frighteningly violent scene.  He beats the bully with a bicycle pump and then puts a knife on his throat!  That was enough to deter the bully from messing with them in the future.
Bullies in school are never fun and most likely, they too suffer bullying at home, that’s why they vent their aggression in school.  Although I was very lucky never to  be bullied in school (it’s not very common in the Philippines), if I were in those kids shoes, I would fight back, even if it meant a broken nose or a visit to the principal’s office.  I’m sure, my feisty Mom would not agree to it too!  I’m just lucky to have her since she never backed down from anyone in our school.  Talk about having a Tiger Mama taking care of her cubs. So I always felt secure in whatever school I was enrolled in.  Also, it paid that I was smart in Math and Science.  My classmates (bullies included) needed my assignments (which I allowed them to copy) so they just pretty much left me alone.

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