Saturday, January 1, 2011

Things to do in 2011 - Buy Magazines Once Again

Due to budgetary constraints this year, I decided to drop my habit of buying magazines.  Before, I'd used to drop almost 10K pesos (US$228) a month just for magazines!  So I had so many glossies beside my bed - and no time to read them!  It was ridiculous! So last year, I decided to be more strict with myself - and just buy those titles that I actually read - and it even came to the point where I just dropped the habit and just see everything online!  Of course, nothing beats reading it on paper, a habit for me which is hard to give up - since I don't want to be in front of a screen 24/7.    Anyway, for this year, these are the titles I'm buying -

1. GT - of course!  still one of the best gay rags around! I just miss their local versions like Icon and L.
2. Vanity Fair - for me, still the most readable magazine around!  I just love their investigative stories.
3.  Men's Health -  I am now bored with my current workout and I need new ideas. Time to buy the local version of this one.
4.  Rogue - in my opinion, the most intelligent local magazine we have - well-researched and well-written articles, and the most interesting topics.  I'm a latecomer to this magazine since I'm not really attracted to sexy female covers, but when my brother started buying copies of it - I was blown away by the quality of the articles.  I am now a loyal fan!  I just hope they also put a sexy guy beside that almost naked chick, puhhlleeezze!!
5.  Lifestyle Asia - the more readable version of the 'elite' magazines since it has more interesting stories than ads
6. Philippine Tatler - I just buy this magazine to take a peek at what our local high society is up to.  Not much substance here but so many aspirational brands - eye candy if you please!  And it's always great to see nicely dressed people on the pages - I mean real people - not models whose physiques are so impossible to ape!

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