Monday, November 22, 2010

My Personal Christmas Wish List

I know giving gifts during Christmas is nerve-wracking so I'm just going to make it easy for you guys, especially those who plan to give me something this Christmas.  I know all our budgets are tight so it would be such a waste if the gift we give is not something we really want.  Anyhow, this is for those willing to take a hint!!  Merry Christmas and happy shopping!!

My Christmas Wish List for 2010 -

1.  Chocolates -  J'adore chocolat and it can be cheap ones like Chocnut, or common ones like M&Ms or Baby Ruth.  If you have the cash, Vic and I really love Godiva especially the ones in those boxes, the truffles, most especially, but you'd have to fly to HK to get us those. Just in case anyone is flying out to HK and coming back before Christmas.  Anyhow, even the high end chocolates available locally like Royce or Leonidas would do fine, although I've never really tried them.

2.  Planners - Well, I don't really mean the giveaway ones, which are fine, because I need planners for my TV guide, and my travel journal and my movie tickets, etc, etc.!  I love the ones in Powerbooks, the ones with the paintings.  Vic and I always buy a few everywhere, and we never even use them.  They're just so pretty! I prefer the bulky ones which may be expensive so the pocketbook ones are fine too.

3.  Notebooks -  Vic and I are notebook persons!  And I don't mean laptops. I just bough a new laptop so I've covered that.  I mean, paper notebooks. Powerbooks has many lovely notebooks (and I don't mean Moleskins) - the quirkier the notebook, the better.  If you have the cash, HK has some nice stationery shops which sell very quirky and very cute notebooks.  Oh well, just in case you're in IFC.

4.  Books - I love books as presents.  I discovered Neil Gaiman and Allan Hollinghurst because they were Christmas gifts. I read almost anything EXCEPT anything religious or inspirational.  Don't give me Chicken Soup or How to Be Happy.  I don't care for self-help books. I'm fucked up and I know it and no one can help me, so I prefer to get my good values from fiction.  Fiction is more fun.  No one has ever given me a nonfiction book, so that would be interesting too! I love art books too, especially those about European or abstract painters.

5.  Soap - I love soap!!  I mean the bath soaps, but body washes are also fine.  I receive several during Christmas and it's cute because I get from different brands - the more unfamiliar, the better.  Locally made is what I like since i want to support local products.  I buy soap when I travel.  The more recent ones I bought came from Cote D'Ivoire and Ghana.  Cocoa soap and Coffee-based soap!  They smelled so good I could've eaten them.

Well, that's just about it.  These shouldn't be too hard to find in any mall in Manila and shouldn't set you back so much.  As they say, it's always the thought that counts.

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