Friday, November 12, 2010

Keep Growing - Acquire New Skills!

I read this interesting article from John C. Maxwell last Sunday, when he narrated, that it was actually Harrison Ford's carpentry skills that led him to become the star he is today!  Apparently, when he was still an unemployed actor, Mr. Ford did some cabinets for George Lucas, and when Mr. Lucas learned he was an actor, asked him to audition for American Graffiti and eventually to THAT movie, which has since catapulted Harrison Ford to megastar status.  This story led Mr. Maxwell to posit a few things we should continue to do if we want opportunities in our lives -

1.  Be open to acquiring new skills - Well, this I have been doing every year.  For the past few years, I have become more serious with my French classes, so now, I can actually talk and write and read French.  Next year, I plan to move on to Spanish! And maybe add a keyboard lesson in between!

2.  Keep growing because you never know when your opportunity will appear.  When I was younger, I would accept any 'raket' I could get into!  So I became an English and Tagalog teacher for ABS-CBN, a magazine writer for V magazine and a Math tutor to kids!  I was an engineer by training but since I did not like that course, I just did what I loved to do! 

3.  Honing your people skills can reap big dividends.  This one, I have to improve more.  My brother Vic, is very good at this.  I think I can be too but I'm just the shy-er version!

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