Monday, November 15, 2010

Being Martha Stewart

I know it sounds weird but the act of cleaning is something that I find very relaxing!  Every day, I reserve an hour of my day just cleaning the bookcases upstairs since most of the magazines, books and photo albums there are just gathering dust!  For me, it's like treasure hunting!  Because in a way, my brother and I are hoarders, so it is very important for both of us to be able to dispose of things which we may not need anymore.  As we grow older and with two growing kids in the house, all this space, which used to be vacant, are slowly being filled up with all these stuff!  My brother has finally decided to just donate most of the stuff in a room which used to be his!  Chairs, tables - I guess all have to go!  I've noticed anyway, that he buys new stuff if he wants something.  Might as well give these stuff away to those who may need them!  As for me, I already have some books and magazines to donate and I've practically given away some bags, accessories and stuff to my best friend.  Things are like plants!  They may not have any roots but they tend to grow!

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