Thursday, October 7, 2010

My French Adventure: Reading Le Clezio's Desert Day 2 - October 7

It took me sometime to blog again about what I have been reading.  I am currently reading Nobel Prize winner, Le Clezio's 'Desert' - the French version of course, and I hope to finish the book real soon. 

Well, it's a very descriptive style of writing and the characters being described are still walking on the desert.  I think the main character in this novel by Le Clezio, is the desert herself! Here are my French words for the day -

1. franchir - to cross

Du livre:  Ils avaient franchi les montagnes par le pas de Maider.

Mon phrase: C'est impossible de franchir des Alpes.

2.  mortel - fatal

Du livre: Leurs visages portaient la marque du terrible soleil, du froid mortel des nuits.

Mon phrase: La fièvre de dengue peut être mortel si ce n'est pas traité tout de suite.

3.  longiligne - lanky

Du livre: Certains d'entre eux etaient d'un noir presque rouge, grands et longilignes.

Mon phrase: Le garcon longiligne est mon fils.

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